Whittling Chip Certification

Waktu baca : 2 menit

When a Cub Scout earns his or her Whittling Chip, that means he or she is ready to handle a knife safely. Most units give the Cub Scout a Whittling Chip card upon completing these requirements.

This certification grants a Bear Scout or Webelos Scout the right to carry and use a pocketknife. The Scout must show the Scout leader, or another adult designated by the leader, an understanding of the responsibility to do the following:

  1. Know the safety rules for handling a knife and show, using these rules, that you know how to care for and use your pocketknife safely.
  2. Make a carving with a pocketknife. Work with your den leader or other adult when doing this. (One of the items carved for Bear Claws requirement 3A may be used to fulfill Whittling Chip requirement 2.)
  3. Read, understand, and promise to abide by the “Pocketknife Pledge.”

I understand the reason for safety rules.
I will treat my pocketknife with the respect due a useful tool.
I will always close my pocketknife and put it away when I’m not using it.
I will not use my pocketknife when it might injure someone near me.
I promise never to throw my pocketknife for any reason.
I will use my pocketknife in a safe manner at all times.

The Pockenknife Pledge

The Whittling Chip patch is considered a temporary patch and, if worn, should be centered on the right pocket of the Cub Scout or Webelos uniform shirt. It should not be sewn on a pocket flap.

Whittling Chip Card Corners

A reader asks about cutting the corners from a Whittling Chip card when the owner commits a safety infraction.

How To Treat a Knife Cut

What is the best way to treat a knife cut? This article from Boy's Life magazine explains how to stop the bleeding, clean the cut, and dress the wound.

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