Can an Adult Serve as a Den Leader for More Than One Den?

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John sent in this question:

Can a den leader serve as den leader for more than one den?

My Thoughts on Being Den Leader for More than One Den

The short answer is, yes, it’s possible, but it’s generally not recommended. Cub Scouting is fundamentally a family-oriented program, and the aim is to get more parents involved in the leadership.

Finding a parent to lead each den is the ideal approach, although this can be tough at times. The reason for the recommendation is simple: being a den leader is time-consuming and demands dedication.

When you’re in charge of one den, the responsibilities are plenty, but it’s manageable. If you attempt to do this for two dens, the challenge multiplies. The risk is that neither den gets the full attention it deserves.

One potential solution is to be a den leader for one den and an assistant den leader for the other. This allows you to be involved but doesn’t put all the responsibility on your shoulders for two dens.

While there might be exceptions to this guideline depending on the situation, the best practice is to find unique leaders for each den. It helps in maintaining the quality of the program and ensures that each den has the focused leadership it requires.

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