Webelos First Responder Requirements
Printable Requirements and Checkoff Sheet
More about First Responder and Related Resources
Other Webelos and AOL Adventures
Webelos Adventures Checkoff Sheet
Welcome New Den Leaders
Outdoor Adventurer is one of the Webelos required adventures.
During the Webelos First Responder adventure, children learn a variety of skills that can help them in emergency situations. These skills include learning how to assess a medical emergency, how to perform basic first aid, and how to recognize signs of a heart attack or stroke. They also learn how to call for help and how to properly communicate with emergency services.
By completing the Webelos First Responder adventure, Cub Scouts gain a valuable set of skills that can help them in emergency situations. They learn how to stay calm, how to assess an emergency situation, and how to respond appropriately. These skills can be used throughout their lives, and may even help save the life of someone in need.
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Webelos First Responder Adventure Requirements
Complete requirement 1 and at least five others
- Explain what first aid is. Tell what you should do after an accident.
- Show what to do for hurry cases of first aid: serious bleeding, heart attack or sudden cardiac arrest, stopped breathing, stroke, poisoning.
- Show how to help a choking victim.
- Show how to treat for shock.
- Demonstrate how to treat at least five of the following:
- Cuts and scratches
- Burns and scalds
- Sunburn
- Blisters on the hand or foot
- Tick bites
- Bites and stings of other insects
- Venomous snakebites
- Nosebleed
- Frostbite
- Put together a simple home first-aid kit. Explain what you included and how to use each item correctly.
- Create and practice an emergency readiness plan for your home or den meeting place.
- Visit with a first responder or health-care professional.
Printable Requirements for the Webelos First Responder Adventure
Click here to download a printable PDF copy of the First Responder requirements (page 1) and a check off sheet (page 2) to keep track of your den’s progress.

Resources and Answers for the Webelos First Responder Adventure
More Information
What Is First Aid?
What To Do for Hurry Cases
How to Help a Choking Victim
How to Treat for Shock
Basic First Aid
Home First Aid Kit
Emergency Readiness Plan
First Responder or Health Care Professionals
How Many Meetings?
First Aid Baseball Game
Kim’s Game with Items for a Home First Aid Kit
First Aid Demonstration for Cuts
Fake Wounds
BSA Video Resource
Hospital Tag
More Information about the Webelos First Responder Adventure
The Webelos First Responder Adventure is an opportunity for Cub Scouts to learn important skills that can help them respond to emergencies and potentially save lives. It provides a foundation in first aid basics, which includes explaining what first aid is and what to do after an accident. Cub Scouts will also learn how to respond to specific medical emergencies, such as serious bleeding, heart attacks, stopped breathing, strokes, and poisoning. They will also learn how to help a choking victim and how to treat for shock.
In addition to these emergency response skills, Cub Scouts working on the First Responder adventure will learn how to treat various injuries and illnesses, such as cuts and scratches, burns and scalds, sunburn, blisters on the hand or foot, tick bites, bites and stings of other insects, venomous snakebites, nosebleeds, and frostbite. These skills are not only useful in emergencies, but they also help Cub Scouts to be more prepared and self-sufficient in their everyday lives.
Cub Scouts will also put together a simple home first-aid kit, which will include items such as bandages, antiseptic, and gloves. They will learn how to use each item correctly and understand the importance of having a first-aid kit readily available. Additionally, they will create and practice an emergency readiness plan for their home or den meeting place. This plan will include identifying potential emergency situations, establishing emergency contact information, and outlining evacuation procedures.
Finally, Cub Scouts will have the opportunity to visit with a first responder or health-care professional. This visit will allow them to gain a better understanding of the work that these professionals do and the importance of their role in responding to emergencies.
What Is First Aid? (Webelos First Responder Requirement 1)
First aid is the initial assistance provided to someone who has been injured or suddenly taken ill. It involves a set of simple techniques and procedures that can be administered by a layperson or trained first responder, without the need for specialized equipment or medical training.
The primary goal of first aid is to preserve life, prevent further harm, and promote recovery. This can include administering basic life support, such as CPR or the Heimlich maneuver, controlling bleeding, treating shock, and stabilizing fractures or other injuries. It can also involve providing emotional support, reassurance, and guidance to the person until more advanced medical care can be obtained.
What To Do for Hurry Cases (Webelos First Responder Requirement 2)
Hurry cases of first aid require immediate action. You should call 911 for the following cases:
- Heart attack or sudden cardiac arrest: If someone is experiencing chest pain or discomfort, shortness of breath, nausea, or lightheadedness, call 911 immediately. If trained and the situation warrants, perform CPR and use an automated external defibrillator (AED) if available.
- Stopped breathing: If someone is not breathing or has stopped breathing, call 911 and perform rescue breathing until emergency medical services arrive.
- Stroke: If someone is experiencing sudden numbness or weakness in the face, arm, or leg, especially on one side of the body, trouble speaking or understanding speech, sudden vision loss, or severe headache, call 911 immediately. Look for the FAST signs: face drooping, arm weakness, speech difficulty.
- Serious bleeding: If someone is bleeding heavily and the bleeding does not stop with direct pressure, call 911 immediately. Apply direct pressure to the wound and elevate the affected area.
- Poisoning: If someone has ingested poison or has been exposed to toxic substances, call the Poison Control Center at 1-800-222-1222 and seek emergency medical attention.
- Severe allergic reaction: If someone is experiencing anaphylaxis, a severe allergic reaction that can cause difficulty breathing, swelling of the face or throat, hives, or a rapid heartbeat, call 911 immediately.
- Head injury: If someone has sustained a head injury and is unconscious, has a seizure, or is experiencing a severe headache or other symptoms, call 911 immediately.
During Webelos First Responder adventure instruction, it is crucial to emphasize that when in doubt, it is better to call 911 and err on the side of caution when it comes to emergency medical situations. By calling emergency medical services, the operator can assist in assessing the situation and provide guidance on the necessary next steps.
How to Help a Choking Victim (Webelos First Responder Requirement 3)
If someone is choking, it’s essential to act quickly to dislodge the object blocking their airway. Here are the steps you can take to help a choking victim:
- Assess the situation: Determine if the person is actually choking. If they can cough, speak or breathe, encourage them to keep coughing, but do not intervene. If the person can’t speak, cough, or breathe, they need immediate help.
- Call for emergency services: If you are not alone, ask someone to call emergency services. If you are alone, call emergency services yourself.
- Perform the Heimlich maneuver: The Heimlich maneuver is a technique used to dislodge an object from a choking victim’s airway. Stand behind the person, wrap your arms around their waist, and make a fist with one hand. Place the thumb side of your fist just above their belly button, and grasp your fist with your other hand. Quickly thrust inward and upward with your fist to apply pressure to the victim’s abdomen. Repeat until the object is expelled, or the victim becomes unconscious.
- If the person becomes unconscious, start CPR: If the person becomes unconscious, begin performing CPR immediately. Lay them on their back, and perform chest compressions at a rate of 100-120 compressions per minute.
- Continue to monitor the person: Once the object is dislodged, or emergency services arrive, continue to monitor the person’s breathing and level of consciousness until help arrives.
Remember, choking is a serious medical emergency, and it’s essential to act quickly to save a person’s life.
How to Treat for Shock (Webelos First Responder Requirement 4)
Shock occurs when there is a significant decrease in blood flow to the body’s organs and tissues, which can be caused by a variety of medical conditions or injuries. If someone is in shock, it’s important to act quickly to prevent further damage and stabilize their condition. Here are the steps to treat someone for shock:
- Call emergency services: If the person is showing signs of shock, call emergency services immediately. Time is of the essence, and the person may require urgent medical attention.
- Help the person lie down: Help the person lie down on their back with their feet elevated about 12 inches. This helps to increase blood flow to the brain and heart.
- Keep the person warm: Cover the person with a blanket or jacket to keep them warm. This helps to maintain their body temperature and prevent further loss of body heat.
- Monitor the person’s breathing and pulse: Check the person’s breathing and pulse regularly. If they stop breathing or their heart stops, perform CPR immediately.
- Provide reassurance: Talk to the person and offer reassurance. This can help to reduce anxiety and calm the person down.
- Do not give the person anything to eat or drink: Giving the person food or drink can worsen their condition, as it may cause vomiting or interfere with their ability to receive medical treatment.
Shock is also a medical emergency, and it’s essential to seek medical attention as soon as possible. The above steps can help to stabilize the person’s condition while waiting for emergency services to arrive. This should be covered as part of the Webelos First Responder adventure.
Basic First Aid (Webelos First Responder Requirement 5)
- Cuts and scratches: Cuts and scratches are common injuries that can be treated easily at home. To begin with, it is important to clean the wound with soap and water. After cleaning the wound, apply pressure to stop any bleeding, and then apply an antiseptic ointment. Finally, cover the wound with a sterile bandage to protect it from further injury or infection.
- Burns and scalds: Burns and scalds can be very painful, but there are some simple steps you can take to alleviate the pain and promote healing. The first thing to do is run cool water over the affected area for at least 10 minutes. This will help to reduce swelling and ease the pain. After this, cover the burn with a clean, dry cloth and apply an antibiotic ointment. If necessary, over-the-counter pain medication can also be taken.
- Sunburn: Sunburn is a common problem that can be easily treated at home. To begin with, take a cool bath or shower to help cool the skin. Then, apply aloe vera or a cool, damp cloth to the affected area to soothe the skin. It is important to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, and over-the-counter pain medication can also be taken if needed.
- Blisters on the hand or foot: Blisters on the hand or foot can be caused by friction or burns, and can be very uncomfortable. The first step is to clean the blister with soap and water, and then cover it with a sterile bandage. If the blister is particularly large or painful, it may be necessary to drain it using a sterilized needle and apply an antibiotic ointment.
- Tick bites: Tick bites can be dangerous if left untreated, so it is important to act quickly. Using fine-tipped tweezers, grasp the tick as close to the skin’s surface as possible and pull upward with steady, even pressure. After removing the tick, clean the bite area with soap and water or an antiseptic to reduce the risk of infection. Learn more about treating and preventing tick bites.
- Bites and stings of other insects: Bites and stings of other insects, such as bees or wasps, can be very painful. To begin with, remove any stingers with tweezers and then clean the bite or sting with soap and water. Applying a cold compress can help to reduce swelling and pain, and over-the-counter pain medication can also be taken if necessary.
- Venomous snakebites: Venomous snakebites are a medical emergency, and it is important to seek immediate medical attention. In the meantime, keep the affected limb still and below heart level to reduce the spread of venom. Do not try to suck out the venom or apply a tourniquet, and follow the instructions of the emergency responders.
- Nosebleed: Nosebleeds can be caused by a variety of factors, but they can usually be stopped at home. To begin with, pinch the nostrils together with a clean tissue or cloth and lean forward slightly, breathing through your mouth. Hold the pinch for at least 10 minutes, and seek medical attention if the bleeding persists.
- Frostbite: Frostbite is a serious condition that requires immediate treatment. To begin with, move to a warm area as soon as possible and remove any wet clothing or jewelry from the affected area. Immerse the affected area in warm (not hot) water for 15-30 minutes, and do not rub or massage the area. Seek medical attention as soon as possible.
Home First Aid Kit (Webelos First Responder Requirement 6)
A well-stocked first aid kit is an essential item in any household, as it can help treat minor injuries and illnesses before medical help arrives. Here are some of the items that should be included in a basic home first aid kit and how they can be used:
- Adhesive bandages (assorted sizes): These are used to cover and protect minor cuts, scrapes, and blisters.
- Sterile gauze pads and rolls: These are used to clean and dress wounds.
- Medical tape: This is used to secure dressings and bandages in place.
- Antiseptic wipes or solution: These are used to clean wounds and prevent infection.
- Tweezers: These are used to remove splinters and other foreign objects from the skin.
- Scissors: These are used to cut tape, gauze, and clothing away from a wound.
- Instant cold packs: These are used to reduce swelling and relieve pain.
- Disposable gloves: These are used to protect against infection and contamination.
- Aspirin or acetaminophen: These are used to relieve pain and reduce fever.
- Hydrocortisone cream: This is used to relieve itching and swelling from insect bites and rashes.
- Thermometer: This is used to check for fever.
- A first aid manual: This is used to provide guidance on how to treat various injuries and illnesses.
When using a first aid kit, it is important to follow basic safety guidelines. Always wash your hands before and after providing care, and wear disposable gloves if available to protect yourself and the person you are treating. Clean the affected area with antiseptic wipes or solution before applying any dressings or bandages, and make sure to monitor the person’s condition and seek medical help if necessary. Remember to always store your first aid kit in a cool, dry place that is easily accessible in case of an emergency.
Emergency Readiness Plan (Webelos First Responder Requirement 7)
Creating an emergency readiness plan for your home is an important step in being prepared for unexpected events. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind when developing a plan for the First Responder adventure:
- Identify potential emergencies: Start by identifying the potential emergencies that could occur in your area, such as natural disasters (e.g. earthquakes, hurricanes, floods), fires, power outages, or medical emergencies.
- Develop an evacuation plan: Determine how you will evacuate your home in case of an emergency. Identify multiple escape routes from each room, and establish a meeting place outside where everyone can gather.
- Establish communication plans: Identify the methods you will use to communicate with family members during an emergency, such as cell phones, two-way radios, or social media. Make sure everyone knows how to use the chosen communication methods.
- Assemble an emergency kit: Assemble a kit containing essential supplies such as water, food, first aid supplies, and medications. Make sure the kit is easily accessible and up-to-date.
- Consider the needs of vulnerable populations: Take into account the needs of elderly family members, those with disabilities, or pets when creating your emergency plan. Make sure you have a plan in place to address their needs.
- Practice your plan: Regularly review and practice your emergency plan with all family members. Conduct drills to test the effectiveness of the plan and identify areas for improvement.
- Stay informed: Stay informed about potential emergencies in your area by monitoring local news and emergency alerts. Sign up for alerts from local authorities and keep important documents, such as insurance policies and identification, in a safe and easily accessible place.
By considering these factors and taking proactive steps, you can help ensure that you and your family are prepared in case of an emergency.
First Responder or Health Care Professionals (Webelos First Responder Requirement 8)
There are several types of first responders and healthcare professionals who can speak to Cub Scouts about first aid and emergency preparedness for the Webelos First Responder adventure. Here are some examples:
- EMTs or Paramedics – These are medical professionals who provide emergency medical care and transport to the hospital.
- Firefighters – Firefighters often have medical training and are trained to respond to a variety of emergencies, including medical emergencies.
- Police Officers – Police officers are often the first to respond to emergencies, and many have basic medical training.
- Nurses – Nurses are trained to provide medical care and can teach Cub Scouts about first aid and emergency preparedness.
- Doctors – Doctors are medical professionals who can provide insight into emergency medical care and first aid.
- Search and Rescue Teams – Search and rescue teams are trained to locate and rescue people who are lost or injured.
- Red Cross Volunteers – The Red Cross provides a variety of services, including first aid and CPR training, disaster response, and blood donation services.

How Many Meetings Does It Take to Complete the First Responder Achievement?
A reader has submitted a question regarding the duration of the First Responder requirement for a Webelos den. The new den leader is seeking guidance on how many meetings it would take to complete the requirement. While a parent has suggested that it can be done in a one-hour trip to the local fire station, the den leader believes it could take up to five meetings or most of a Saturday. It is important to consider the size of the group and their attention span when determining the number of meetings required for the First Responder adventure. Continue reading.

First Aid Baseball Game
This game is a fun way to review first aid skills and can be used as part of the Webelos First Responder requirements.
The game requires two teams, an umpire, and a scorekeeper. The game involves lining up one team behind the home plate and having the first person in line become the batter. The batter randomly selects a card containing a question related to first aid, and the umpire asks the question. The batter answers the question without help from teammates, and if the answer is correct, the batter advances a certain number of bases.
The game continues until one team gets three outs, and the other team gets to bat. The team with the most runs at the end of two or three innings wins. This game can be a helpful tool for Scout leaders to assess their Scouts’ first aid knowledge and can be modified to include questions related to the Webelos First Responder requirements.

Kim’s Game with Items for a Home First Aid Kit
Kim’s Game is a traditional Scouting activity that can be used as part of the Webelos First Responder adventure. The game helps Scouts learn what should be in a home first aid kit and is a great way to reinforce lists of items required for a kit or activity. To play the game, the participants are shown a number of items for a home first aid kit and given a minute to memorize them. The items are then covered, and the participants try to remember as many items as possible. After the time is up, each Scout writes down everything they remember, and the number of items listed correctly is counted.
This game can help reinforce the knowledge gained from talking about home first aid kits and can be a fun and interactive way for Webelos to learn about first aid for the First Responder adventure.

First Aid Demonstration for Cuts
When teaching first aid to Webelos Scouts as part of the First Responder adventure, it’s best to demonstrate as much as possible. A fun way to do this is by showing them how to perform basic first aid for cuts. This can be done by giving each Scout a small “cut” with a red marker, having them wash the cut with soap and water, and then applying antiseptic and a Band-Aid. Next, give them a larger “cut,” about half an inch, and have them bandage each other while wearing small latex gloves. Show them how to apply pressure, and let them cover each other’s cuts with a gauze pad and secure it with tape.
This activity not only teaches Scouts how to perform basic first aid for cuts but also helps them develop practical skills they can use in real-life situations.
Fake Wounds for First Aid Demonstrations
You could consider creating more intricate fake wounds on one or two “victims” using common household items like petroleum jelly, red food coloring, cocoa powder, and toilet paper. With these materials, you can mix together a realistic-looking concoction to apply to the toilet paper wound. This activity can be an interactive way to teach basic first aid techniques, such as cleaning and dressing a wound, to Scouts. However, it is important to have adult supervision and maintain proper hygiene practices during the activity to ensure the safety of all participants.
BSA Video Resource

Hospital Tag
Hospital tag is a fun activity that can be played as part of the Webelos First Responder adventure. In this game, players pretend they are wounded and go to the hospital to get fixed up. The game requires no materials and can be played anywhere with a defined play area.
The objective is to tag other players while avoiding being tagged. If a player is tagged, they must place a hand on the spot where they were tagged as if to stop the “bleeding.” If a player is tagged a second time, they must use both hands to cover the wounds, making it impossible to tag someone. Players can go to the “hospital” and do five jumping jacks to return to the play area without any wounds. The game is a fun way to burn off some energy at a meeting focused on the First Responder adventure.