Bear Bobcat Adventure

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This for the 2024 program year Cub Scout updates. This is a preview and is not official information yet. This new program takes effect on June 1, 2024. See more details about the overall program updates here.

The Bear Bobcat Adventure is a key part of the Bear Cub Scouts’ journey. It is the first adventure they embark on fpr the year. This adventure helps them start the year with energy and excitement. It focuses on building strong character and leadership skills. By participating in this adventure, Bear Cub Scouts learn important values that will help them throughout their lives.

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In the Bear Bobcat Adventure, Bears get to know each other better and start forming a supportive team. They work together to learn and recite the Scout Oath and Scout Law. Understanding these principles is crucial as they lay the foundation for good leadership and strong character. The adventure encourages Scouts to think about what these values mean in their daily lives.

Creating a den Code of Conduct with their peers is another important activity in this adventure. It teaches Scouts about responsibility and respect for others. This activity allows them to set rules that promote good behavior and cooperation within the den. It’s a practical way for Scouts to learn about leading and following in a group setting.

The adventure also includes practical demonstrations of Cub Scout traditions, such as the Cub Scout sign, salute, and handshake. These activities reinforce the Scouts’ sense of belonging and identity within the group. Sharing personal experiences where they did their best helps build confidence and encourages them to always strive for their best. Overall, the Bear Bobcat Adventure sets the stage for a year of growth and learning.

Bear Bobcat Adventure Requirements

Bear Bobcat Adventure Requirements

  1. Get to know members of your den.
  2. Recite the Scout Oath and Law with your den and den leader.  
  3. Learn about the Scout Oath. Identify the three points of the Scout Oath. 
  4. With your den create a den Code of Conduct. 
  5. Learn about the denner position and responsibilities. 
  6. Demonstrate the Cub Scout sign, Cub Scout salute and Cub Scout handshake.  Show how each is used. 
  7. Share with your den, or family, a time when you demonstrated the Cub Scout motto “Do Your Best.” Explain why it is important to do your best.
  8. At home, with your parent or legal guardian do the activities in the booklet “How to Protect Your Children from Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide.” 

Resources for the Bear Bobcat Adventure

Getting to Know Each Other

Getting to know each other is important in a den. It helps everyone feel comfortable and work better together. Here are some simple games that can help:

  • Group Storytelling: Sit in a circle. Start a story with one sentence. Each Scout adds a sentence to continue the story. This game encourages creativity and helps Scouts listen to each other.
  • Find Someone Who: Give each Scout a sheet of paper with statements like “find someone who has been camping” or “find someone who likes the same movie as you.” Scouts have to talk to each other to find someone who matches each statement. This is a great way for them to learn about similarities and differences.
  • Silent Line-Up: Challenge the Scouts to line up in order by their birthdays, height, or in alphabetical order by first name without talking. This game requires cooperation and non-verbal communication.
  • The Wind Blows: Everyone sits in a circle with one person standing in the middle. The person in the middle says something true about themselves starting with “The wind blows for everyone who…” (e.g., “has a sibling”). Everyone for whom the statement is true must get up and find a new seat, while the person in the middle tries to find a seat too. This game is energetic and helps Scouts learn facts about each other quickly.

These games encourage interaction in a fun and relaxed way, helping Scouts to build relationships and feel more comfortable in the den.

Scout Oath and Law

Learning the Scout Oath and Scout Law for Bear Bobcat requirement 2 is important. It helps Scouts understand the values they should live by. Here are some simple games to make learning these easier and more fun:

  • Scout Law Game: This game involves calling out statements related to the points of the Scout Law (like “A Scout is kind”). Scouts decide if the statement matches a point of the Scout Law and respond accordingly. This not only helps memorize the Scout Law but also understand its application.
  • Oath and Law Puzzle Race: Print out the Scout Oath and Scout Law, each line on a separate piece of paper. Mix them up and divide the Scouts into teams. Each team races to put the lines in the correct order. This helps Scouts learn the order and wording of the Oath and Law.
  • Repeat After Me: The leader or a Scout says a line of the Scout Oath or Law, and the rest of the group repeats it back. This can be done in a fun way, changing the tone or speed each time, which helps keep the Scouts engaged.
  • Scout Law Tag: Each Scout is given a point of the Scout Law to remember. While playing tag, when tagged, a Scout must say their point of the Scout Law before they can rejoin the game. This repetition helps with memorization.

Using games like these can make learning the Scout Oath and Scout Law engaging and memorable for Scouts.

Understanding the Scout Law

Learning about the Scout Law is the focus of Bear Bobcat requirement 3. Here is a simple explanation of each point of the Scout Law, made relevant to Bear Cub Scouts:

  1. Trustworthy: A trustworthy Scout tells the truth and keeps promises. This means being honest with your friends and doing what you say you will do.
  2. Loyal: Being loyal means being a good friend and sticking by them, even when things are tough.
  3. Helpful: Always be ready to help others without expecting something in return. This could be doing chores at home without being asked.
  4. Friendly: A friendly Scout is kind to everyone and is a good friend to all in the den.
  5. Courteous: This means being polite to everyone and always using good manners.
  6. Kind: Being kind is about treating people and animals with care and respect.
  7. Obedient: Scouts follow rules at home, at school, and in the den. This keeps everyone safe and happy.
  8. Cheerful: Try to smile and make others happy. Being cheerful makes hard tasks easier for everyone.
  9. Thrifty: Being thrifty means using resources wisely and not wasting things like food, water, and money.
  10. Brave: Being brave isn’t just about facing danger; it’s also standing up for what is right, even if you feel scared to do so.
  11. Clean: Keep your body, mind, and places like your room and school clean.
  12. Reverent: Show respect for other people’s beliefs and participate respectfully in group prayers or moments of silence.

Understanding and practicing these values will help you grow as a Scout and as a person. Each point is a step toward becoming a better leader and friend.

Code of Conduct

Creating a den Code of Conduct for Bear Bobcat requirement 4 helps Scouts understand how to behave during meetings and activities. Here’s how you can do it and an example:

Steps to Create a Den Code of Conduct

  1. Gather Ideas: Start by asking each Scout what behaviors they think are important for everyone to follow. Talk about why these are important.
  2. Discuss: Have a discussion about these behaviors and decide as a group which ones should be included in the Code of Conduct.
  3. Write It Down: Write down the agreed-upon rules. Make sure the language is clear and simple.
  4. Agree Together: Have everyone agree to follow these rules by signing the Code of Conduct.

Example of a Den Code of Conduct

  • Be Kind: Treat everyone with respect at all times.
  • Listen: When someone else is talking, we listen without interrupting.
  • Share: We share materials and take turns.
  • Help: We help each other and work together.
  • Stay Safe: We follow all safety rules during activities.
  • Clean Up: We clean up after ourselves and take care of our meeting space.

This example covers basic behaviors that ensure meetings are respectful, productive, and safe. It’s a simple way to make sure everyone knows what’s expected and can help maintain a positive environment for all.

The Denner Position

The denner is a special role in the Cub Scout den. It’s a position that lets a Scout help lead their peers. To help with Bear Bobcat requirement 5, here’s what a denner does:

What is a Denner?
A denner is a Cub Scout chosen to help the den leader and assistant den leader with certain tasks. It’s like being a helper for a few weeks.

Responsibilities of a Denner:

  1. Lead: Help start and finish meetings with flags or pledges.
  2. Organize: Help set up and clean up during den meetings.
  3. Help: Assist in leading games or activities under the supervision of the den leader.
  4. Represent: Speak for other Scouts in the den, sharing ideas or concerns with the den leader.

Why Be a Denner?
Being a denner teaches leadership and responsibility. It’s a chance to learn how to guide friends and be a role model.

Choosing a Denner:
Denners can be chosen by the den leader or elected by the Scouts. It’s good to let different Scouts have a turn.

Being a denner is a great way for Scouts to practice leadership and help their den.

Cub Scout Sign, Salute, and Handshake

For Bear Bobcat requirement 6, Cub Scout learn to use the Cub Scout sign, salute, and handshake. Here’s a simple explanation of each and when to use them:

Cub Scout Sign

  • How to Make It: Raise your right hand to shoulder level with your arm straight. Your fingers should be together, and your thumb separated from your fingers, forming the ears of the Wolf.
  • When to Use It: Use this sign when you need to be quiet and listen, or when saying the Scout Oath or Scout Law.

Cub Scout Salute:

  • How to Make It: Place your fingers together as in the sign but bring your hand up to your forehead. If you’re wearing a hat, the fingertips should touch the brim; if not, they should touch just above your eyebrow.
  • When to Use It: Use the salute when you are in uniform to show respect, like during the flag ceremony or when greeting someone.

Cub Scout Handshake:

  • How to Make It: Extend your right hand as you would for a regular handshake. Place your first two fingers along the inside of the other person’s wrist. This signifies the ears of the Wolf, like in the Cub Scout sign.
  • When to Use It: Use this handshake when greeting other Scouts or Scout leaders. It’s a sign of friendship and respect.

These are ways to show you are a Cub Scout and respect the values of Scouting. They help during meetings and ceremonies to keep order and show respect.

Do Your Best

Sharing stories about doing your best for Bear Bobcat requirement 7 helps Scouts learn from each other and stay motivated. Here’s how to share stories:

  1. Think of a Time: Reflect on a moment when you tried really hard to do something. It could be at school, in sports, at home, or during a Scout activity.
  2. Describe What Happened: Tell your den or family what the challenge was and what you did to meet it. Explain any obstacles you faced and how you overcame them.
  3. Share What You Learned: Talk about what this experience taught you. Maybe you learned that hard work pays off, or that it’s okay to ask for help.
  4. Discuss How You Felt: Describe how you felt after trying your best, even if things didn’t turn out perfectly.

Here’s a simple example:

“I wanted to build a birdhouse for a project. It was hard because I had never used some of the tools before. I read the instructions and asked my dad to show me how to use the tools safely. Even though my birdhouse wasn’t perfect, I was proud because I did my best and learned how to use new tools. It felt great to see the birds use it.”

Sharing stories like this helps everyone see how trying your best is valuable, no matter the outcome. It’s all about the effort and what you learn along the way.

Parent’s Guide

For Bear Bobcat requirement 8, Scouts need to complete activities from the booklet “How to Protect Your Children from Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide” at home with a parent or legal guardian. This is an important step to help Scouts and their families understand safety and protection.

Steps for Den Leaders:

  1. Inform Parents: Let parents know about this requirement. Explain that it is to be done at home.
  2. Distribute the Booklet: Make sure each family has a copy of the booklet. You can hand these out during a den meeting or send the information digitally.
  3. Encourage Completion: Remind parents to go through the booklet with their Scout. Stress the importance of understanding and discussing the content together.
  4. Follow Up: Check in with parents at a later meeting to ensure they have completed the activities and to answer any questions.

Suggested Message for Parents:
“Please take some time to go through the ‘How to Protect Your Children from Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide’ booklet with your Scout. This activity is crucial for learning about safety and protection. It’s designed to be informative and helpful for both you and your child. If you have any questions after completing it, feel free to bring them up during our next den meeting.”

This requirement is vital for fostering a safe environment and encouraging open communication between Scouts and their families.

Frequently Asked Questions for the Bear Bobcat Adventure

What is the Bear Bobcat Adventure?

The Bear Bobcat Adventure is the first set of activities Bear Cub Scouts complete. It helps Scouts learn the basics of Scouting and start the year strong.

Who needs to complete the Bear Bobcat Adventure?

Every Bear Cub Scout needs to complete the Bear Bobcat Adventure. It’s an essential step for Bear Cub Scouts.

How do Scouts start the Bear Bobcat Adventure?

Scouts start by getting to know each other and learning the Scout Oath and Scout Law with their den and den leader.

What are some activities in the Bear Bobcat Adventure?

Activities include creating a den Code of Conduct, learning the Cub Scout sign and salute, and discussing child safety with parents.

Why do Scouts need to discuss child abuse prevention at home?

It’s important for safety. Scouts do this with their parents to understand how to protect themselves and what to do if they ever feel unsafe.

How can parents help with the Bear Bobcat Adventure?

Parents help by participating in activities like discussing child safety and supporting their Scout in learning and practicing the Scout Oath and Law.

Can Scouts work on other adventures at the same time as Bear Bobcat?

Completing the Bear Bobcat Adventure first is recommended as it covers fundamental Scout skills and knowledge.

Wrapping Up the Bobcat Basics

The Bear Bobcat Adventure is a crucial step for every Bear Cub Scout. It introduces them to the fundamental principles and practices of Scouting, setting the stage for their journey ahead. By completing this adventure, Scouts not only earn their first Bear belt loop but also build a strong foundation in character and leadership skills.

Throughout the Bear Bobcat Adventure, Scouts engage in activities that promote teamwork, respect, and responsibility. From getting to know their fellow Scouts to discussing important safety measures with their families, each requirement is designed to foster a supportive and understanding environment. These experiences are essential as they help Scouts navigate both their Scouting path and everyday challenges.

As Scouts move forward, the lessons learned in the Bear Bobcat Adventure will serve as valuable guides. They’ll recall the Scout Oath and Scout Law in future activities, applying these principles in more advanced projects and while interacting with others. The adventure might be one of the first steps in Cub Scouting, but its impact lasts throughout their Scouting career.

The Bear Bobcat Adventure is where the fun and learning start, and where young Scouts begin to see how they can make a difference in their den, their community, and beyond. As they progress, the confidence and skills they gain here will help them tackle new adventures that await.

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